OTTAWA – The federal New Democrats were unsuccessful Monday in calling for an emergency debate in the House of Commons on what they view as an "urgent situation": the potential for future tariffs on steel and aluminum exports to the United States.

While U.S. President Donald Trump has exempted Canada and Mexico from a recent imposition of global tariffs—25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminum— the NDP was concerned that the reprieve is only temporary and tied to the fate of the ongoing NAFTA renegotiation.

However, House of Commons Speaker Geoff Regan ruled that the request did not meet the requirements for an emergency debate.

NDP trade critic Tracey Ramsey, who represents Essex, Ont. and is a member of the parliamentary steel caucus, sent the letter to Regan asking for the special debate.

Reacting to his decision outside of the House of Commons, Ramsey said she was "extremely disappointed" her request was denied.

"People are not feeling very secure that this is only temporary. We know that we will be revisiting this very shortly," Ramsey said. “We don’t know how long this reprieve will last, at any moment the president of the United States could say that NAFTA’s time is up and he’s looking for whatever it is that he considers a win, and we will then be targeted with these tariffs again. We can’t take this time for granted.”

In the letter sent to Regan, Ramsey argued that the debate is needed to let MPs weigh in on the situation and to discuss what plans or policies that should be implemented to prepare for potential impacts to thousands of workers, should Trump change his mind.

The party also viewed this potential emergency debate as an opportunity to have the Commons discuss the “relationship unfolding” between the two countries.

"Since his election as President, Donald Trump has ordered billions of dollars of tariffs on Canadian industries. Almost every major sector has been targeted by the current U.S. administration, and last week our aluminum and steel sectors narrowly escaped a major hit," her letter read.

"It is necessary for Members of the House of Commons to have the time and opportunity to fully discuss not only the implications of potential tariffs, but also to propose and debate remedies and solutions to the growing problem."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent part of last week touring steel and aluminum factories in Canada. During an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper at the start of his tour, Trudeau said Canadian steel workers can “breathe a sigh of relief,” as trade talks continue.

During question period Monday, in response to a question from Ramsey, Trudeau said his government has been working with the American administration to protect Canadian jobs.

"We’re going to continue to take this approach that is working with the American government, regardless of what the NDP proposes," Trudeau said.


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