After much Canadian handwringing over how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would assert himself with U.S. President Donald Trump, the PM’s handshake is being hailed as a demonstration he can hold his own with the POTUS.

Trump often yanks people toward him when he accepts a handshake, in a that has thrown off everyone from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, to Trump's own Vice President Mike Pence.

But Trudeau appeared ready for the handshake-jerk when the two met for the first time on Monday, outside the White House in Washington.



Video of the moment shows Trudeau quickly moving close to the president, then placing his left hand on Trump's shoulder while accepting the handshake. Both men ended up sharing a very firm handshake, with neither lurching toward the other.

Canadians hailed the moment as a symbolic victory for Trudeau.

It was one of two major handshake moments during the visit. Social media users also pounced on a moment between the two leaders in the Oval Office, when Trudeau was photographed staring at Trump's offered hand before accepting a handshake.