In a bid to train its artificial intelligence engine to speak more naturally, Google trained its model to read thousands of novels, including romance books. Now, the AI speaks in strange, "rather dramatic" sentences, reminiscent of the best (or worst) modern poetry.

  • Reading on an app?

In , presented at an international conference on learning in May, Google Brain researchers and contributing academics detailed how they're training their AI to speak like a human.

Scientists poured thousands of novels, including romance and fantasy books, into the AI's neural network model, which is meant to mimic the human brain.

Then, the researchers gave the AI two different sentences from the books, and asked it to generate intermediate sentences that could create a logical progression from the first sentence to the last.

Here are some examples of what the AI created. The first and last sentences in bold were provided to the engine, and the sentences in between were generated by the AI.

Google AI

The researchers note that the intermediate sentences are "almost always grammatical, and often contain consistent topic, vocabulary and syntactic information in local neighbourhoods as they interpolate between the endpoint sentences."

"Because the model is trained on fiction, including romance novels, the topics are often rather dramatic," the researchers add.