BEIJING -- As the 2022 Winter Olympics in China reaches its halfway point, CTV National News' Vanessa Lee shares some images of what life is like in Beijing's closed bubble.

The bubble in Beijing completely shuts out the more than 10,000 athletes, journalists and other media types from the rest of the city and surrounding venues in what is known as a "closed-loop" system.

Journalists are bussed to the main media centre, about a 15-minute, non-stop ride from thee hotels. The only glimpse of the outside world is through a bus window. The bubble is essentially home the 10,000 people for three straight weeks.

The ambitious scheme, run by thousands of Chinese volunteers and staff, is meant to minimize the spread of COVID-19 inside the Games and prevent it from spilling into the capital city.

Here’s a look at what life is like in the closed loop.

Beijing hotel entrance

Beijing COVID-19 testing

Beijing hotel screening

Beijing screening

Bus to Beijing MPC

Beijing streets

Olympic venues

Olympics park

Beijing closed loop

Beijing 2022