Eugene Goodman has been hailed as a hero ever since he from the Senate chambers during the Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.

The Capitol Police officer's courageous actions were recognized again on Wednesday when he escorted Kamala Harris to the inauguration ceremony. He was there in his new role as acting deputy Senate sergeant at arms.

Goodman became the face of resistance to the insurrection when shortly after the Capitol Hill attack, video showed him leading a mob of Trump supporters in the opposite direction of the Senate chambers. At the time, lawmakers were debating an objection to Arizona's Electoral College vote count.

In footage captured by , Goodman is seen being chased up a Capitol staircase by the mob. When he reached a landing, he looked to his left, where he noticed the door to the Senate chambers was still unguarded. He led the rioters to the right, away from lawmakers and toward backup officers.

The Senate chambers wouldn't be secured until one minute later, according to . Once Goodman led the rioters into a larger hall, backup officers arrived, though they were still outnumbered by rioters.

A bipartisan trio of lawmakers last week to award Goodman with a Congressional Gold Medal for potentially saving lives on one of the darkest days in U.S. history.

The medal is reserved for Americans who've made "distinguished achievements and contributions" to their country.