An angry plane passenger was caught on camera throwing a tantrum of his own over a crying infant aboard a Southwest Airlines flight.

The incident, which occurred on a flight bound for Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was captured on video and by a fellow passenger.

According to the passenger, Mark Grabowski, who recorded the incident, the altercation unfolded while the flight was stuck in a holding pattern due to weather.

In the video, posted on April 18, a group of flight attendants can be seen confronting a passenger who is loudly expressing frustration.

When flight attendants ask him to lower his voice, the man shouts, “lower that baby’s voice,” claiming the crying has persisted 40 minutes.

Later, after he is asked to be rational, the passenger swears and calls the plane “a tin can with a baby in a goddamn echo chamber.”

“You’re yelling,” one of the flight attendants cautions him, to which the man replies “So is the baby!”

The flight was diverted to Orlando, where the angry passenger refused to get off the plane.

In an emailed statement to CTV News on Friday, a spokesperson for Southwest Airlines said while they are unable to confirm specific details related to the incident, they commend their crew for “exhibiting outstanding professionalism while handling a challenging situation.”

“We appreciate the patience of our other customers onboard who had to experience the unacceptable behaviour,” a spokesperson added.

According to Grabowski’s commentary on the video, all passengers were asked to deplane after the incident. He then records the moment police officers arrive to escort the man through the airport.