U.S. President Donald Trump and Pope Francis met for the first time at the Vatican on Wednesday.

Trump appeared upbeat and smiling for the cameras throughout most of the 30-minute get-together that was also attended by his wife, first lady Melania Trump, as well his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

The Pope, on the other hand, appeared much less enthused.

According to of the event, the mood in the room appeared “stiff” and the Pope was “rather stone-faced,” but “lightened considerably” during a gift exchange between the two men.

On social media, however, attention focused on an Associated Press photo that shows a beaming Trump posing for a group photo with an unsmiling Pope Francis and a sombre-looking Melania, Ivanka and Kushner.

that the encounter with Pope Francis was an “honor of a lifetime” while as “cordial” and said that “satisfaction was expressed” for good relations between the Holy See and the United States during the talks.