British Prime Minister Theresa May, U.S. President Donald Trump, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won’t be attending the highly anticipated royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle next month, but one lucky youth leader from the U.K. will be.

Saeed Atcha, 21, is among the 1,200 members of the public who have been invited to attend the event on the grounds of Windsor Castle on May 19. Atcha, a community leader and the CEO of Xplode Magazine, told CTV’s Your Morning he was “very, very shocked” when he received his invitation in the mail a couple of days ago.

“To know that you’ve been sort of noticed on that level is just phenomenal. I mean, it was complete shock,” Atcha said during a phone interview from Bolton, U.K. on Wednesday. “I had to read the letter two or three times and then very quickly the shock turned into honour.”

On Tuesday, the Royal Family announced that an “official list of political leaders” was not required and that only friends and family would be invited to the wedding.

Kensington Palace officials also named some of the invitees from the public who will be allowed to watch the procession from the castle grounds. Those invitees come from a variety of backgrounds and were nominated by the regional lord lieutenant offices as per the couple’s wishes.

Atcha said he’s an active member of his community through his work with , one of the Prince of Wales’ charities, and through the Xplode Magazine he created when he was 15 years old in order to help young people develop employability skills.

“When I was in my final year of high school I was annoyed with the negative press coverage towards young people and I wanted to do something about it so I thought, by setting up a magazine and being part of the press, not only are we teaching young people media skills, but also we’re giving them a platform to showcase their voice on topics that matter to them,” he explained.

As for whom the young leader is planning to bring as his "plus one" to the big day?

“I was thinking that the prime minister’s [Theresa May] not got an invite so maybe she could be my 'plus one,'” he said with a chuckle.