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TORONTO – After a weekend of movement among the top two parties it’s once again a tight race for the lead in national ballot support, according to the daily tracking numbers from .

“The Conservatives opened up about a five-point lead at the height of the controversy” over Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s racist images, Nik Nanos said on the Trend Line podcast on Monday morning. That advantage is “starting to diminish,” he added.

In the latest national tracking numbers, the Conservatives came in at 34.3 per cent with the Liberals trailing behind at 33.1. The NDP came in at 12.8, the Greens at 10.6, the Bloc Quebecois at 5.8 and the People’s Party of Canada at 2.9.

Looking outside the race for the lead, Nanos said there was also some interesting movement from the Bloc and the Greens over the weekend.

“The Bloc is back” in Quebec, where the party is now polling at 26 per cent, trailing only the Liberals who are at 37 per cent.

For more insight on today’s numbers listen to the Trend Line podcast with hosts Nik Nanos and Michael Stittle. New episodes are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You can listen wherever you get your podcasts.