TORONTO -- The federal government is investing $64 million in COVID-19 vaccine education campaigns to help combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation in Canada, while also encouraging Canadians to get the shot.

Minister of Health Patty Hajdu said in a on Tuesday that the investment, through the , will increase public access to "reliable, accurate and timely information about vaccines." She says this will help ensure Canadians "make informed and confident vaccine choices for themselves and their families."

"Vaccines are an important and effective way to protect Canadians and stop the spread of COVID-19. Working with our partners, we will make sure that Canadians have the latest information about how and when they can get vaccinated, but also why they should get vaccinated," Hajdu said in the release.

"Increasing vaccination uptake and acceptance is how we can work together to protect those most at-risk," Hajdu added.

According to the release, the funding includes $30.25 million for "community-led projects" that will work to increase vaccine confidence by addressing "gaps in knowledge, attitudes and beliefs related to vaccination."

The federal government said the funding will also be used to develop "tailored, targeted tools and educational resources" to raise vaccine awareness for COVID-19 and other diseases.

In addition, the funds will support local efforts to address community barriers to access and acceptance of vaccines.

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam said in the release that the vaccine education campaigns will aid in keeping Canadians safe amid the pandemic.

"All Canadians deserve a chance to achieve optimal health. This includes having access to credible information about vaccination and the opportunity to have open conversations with healthcare providers. Doctors, nurses, midwives, other healthcare providers and community leaders are invaluable in sharing knowledge to help to keep us all safe, especially during a pandemic," Tam said.

According to the release, $32.5 million of the funding will be for provincial and territorial governments to enhance their electronic vaccination registries and improve their tracking of vaccine uptake. The federal government said each province and territory will receive up to $2.5 million through March 2023.

The government said it continues to work with various experts, manufacturers and health-care partners to "allocate, distribute and administer safe and effective vaccines as quickly as possible" for those Canadians who choose to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Speaking from Rideau Cottage on Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the new funding for education campaigns will ensure Canadians know "when and where to get vaccinated, the many safety measures in place, and why it's such a good idea" to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

"Vaccines work. They are safe and effective. When it’s my turn, I'll be ready to roll up my sleeve to get my doses. These vaccines save lives, so I hope you'll join me," Trudeau said.

The funding announcement comes after the federal government revealed that a deal has been struck with Novavax to produce its COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. However, the pharmaceutical company won’t be ready to roll out doses for several months.