A selection of quotes on the latest softwood-lumber dispute between Canada and the United States.


"The government of Canada strongly disagrees with (this) decision to impose an unfair and punitive duty. "The accusations are baseless and unfounded." -- Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr.


"The Government of Canada will vigorously defend the interests of the Canadian softwood lumber industry, including through litigation. In ruling after ruling since 1983, international tribunals have disproved the unfounded subsidy and injury allegations from the U.S. industry. We have prevailed in the past and we will do so again." -- Carr.


"This decision will negatively affect workers on both sides of the border, and will ultimately increase costs for American families who want to build or renovate homes." -- Carr.


"It has been a bad week for U.S.-Canada trade relations ... This is not our idea of a properly functioning Free Trade Agreement." -- U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.


"(We will) fight the unfounded claims of the U.S. lumber production lobby and the unwarranted and unfair duties placed on Canadian lumber products." -- B.C. Premier Christy Clark.


"My message to B.C. forest workers, their families, and producers is this: We are here for you. We will fight for you. And we will not give up." -- Clark.


"Today's ruling confirms that Canadian lumber mills are subsidized by their government and benefit from timber pricing policies and other subsidies which harm U.S. manufacturers and workers." -- Cameron Krauss, legal chair of the U.S. Lumber Coalition.


"Day 1, we will be there to support the industry." -- Quebec Economic Development Minister Dominique Anglade.


"It's hard to exaggerate the impact tariffs will have on hundreds of small communities. The federal government needs to have a plan in place and act swiftly." -- Unifor president Jerry Dias.


"The fact is, Canadian lumber imports don't pose a threat to the U.S. lumber industry. There is enough North American demand to grow the U.S. industry while also allowing Canada to supply its U.S. customers as we have been doing for decades." -- Susan Yurkovich, president of the BC Lumber Trade Council.


"We love Canada, wonderful people, wonderful country, but they have been very good about taking advantage of us through NAFTA." -- U.S. President Donald Trump.