Former Progressive Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney says “any talk about diminishing immigration or immigrants” in Canada is “unacceptable” as the Tory leadership race ramps up.

In an interview Wednesday with Don Martin, host of CTV’s Power Play, Mulroney was asked about Conservative leadership hopefuls who have said that immigrants should be screened for “anti-Canadian values” or called for veiled women to uncover their faces while voting.

Mulroney responded by saying that, as prime minister, he raised immigration levels “to the highest in Canadian history,” and did so because it was “the right and proper thing to do.”

“Immigrants, generally speaking, are ranked among our most productive, able, loyal citizens, who (contribute) enormously to the economic health of our nation,” Mulroney said. “And so any talk about diminishing immigration or immigrants is unacceptable and I think unhelpful to Canada.

“I doubt very much if that kind of policy could ever be sustained by a national political party that wanted to win elections,” he added.

Conservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch has controversially suggested that newcomers should be screened for “anti-Canadian values,” something that

More recently, newly declared leadership candidate Steven Blaney said he wants to