MONTREAL - Quebec's Opposition is calling on the prime minister to send out a tweet telling would-be asylum seekers around the world they will not get a free pass into Canada.

Members of the Parti Quebecois have for months accused Justin Trudeau of helping to spark the current refugee crisis with a January 2017 tweet welcoming newcomers.

The prime minister wrote on Twitter at the time, "To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength. #WelcomeToCanada."

The PQ's Catherine Fournier and Carole Poirier say the message gave false hope to people around the world who assumed Canada would welcome them regardless of whether they fit the legal definition of a refugee.

They're calling on Trudeau to send out another tweet, this time telling people who cross the border irregularly they will not be given a free pass into Canada.

They also add that all refugee applicants should do so through the normal process.