OTTAWA -- Despite not yet having the details, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says he will be unveiling a climate plan ahead of the 2019 election that will meet the Paris targets without a carbon tax.

Both inside the House of Commons and out of it, the Conservatives under Scheer have stated their strong opposition to the Liberal government’s plan to impose a federal price on carbon -- up to $50 per excess tonne by 2022 -- in provinces who don’t implement their own. The Opposition says the government’s plan will hurt the economy.

Instead, Scheer says his party will find another -- yet to be declared -- way to combat climate change.

"We will be unveiling a very detailed and comprehensive plan because we believe that Canada has to be part of the solution. We are about a year away from the next election, a little bit more. I guarantee you we will have a comprehensive message to Canadians," Scheer said in an interview with Evan Solomon, host of CTV’s Question period.

Asked whether the plan will meet the UN targets for combatting climate change, otherwise known as the Paris accord or , Scheer said "of course."

The agreement sets out an international plan to limit global warming to below two degrees.

"I will unveil a plan that reaches the targets that we have already voted in favour of… We will have a meaningful plan to reduce emissions and that will also tackle other major environmental issues."

In June 2017 Scheer and his caucus of the Canadian government implementing the Paris Agreement, stating it was in the best interest of Canadians and recognizing that climate change is a global issue.

Though, in October 2016 a similar motion from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ratify the Paris Agreement signed by Canada that year.

"We all have an obligation to pass on a better environment to our kids. I’ve got five kids, I want them to have a cleaner environment," Scheer said.

"The Liberals would love to have people believe that the choice is a carbon tax or nothing. I reject that."