What happens when the left-leaning, pro-immigration, selfie-loving Prime Minister of Canada meets the right-leaning, border-enforcing, Twitter-loving President of the United States?

In a word: captions.

Twitter erupted with clever captions for a handshake between PM Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday, during .

Much of the reaction came after a brief photo op in the Oval Office, where Trudeau and Trump shared a six-second handshake. It was a trivial moment, but many were waiting to compare it to Trump's first handshake with , which lasted 19 seconds.

But Twitter was more interested in the moment before the shake, when Trudeau was captured in a photo staring at Trump's offered hand.

The photo spawned a flurry of suggested captions.

Trump's hand also became the perfect spot for users to Photoshop things onto.