OTTAWA – The economy and jobs will top the list of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's talking points when he kicks off his six-stop town hall tour in Halifax next week.

PM Trudeau's first stop will be at Sackville High School in Lower Sackville, N.S. on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m.

The following afternoon, he will be at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

On Thursday, Jan. 11, he will be in London, Ont. for a federal cabinet retreat and that evening he will hold a town hall as well.

Then, a week later, he’ll be back touring, in Quebec City on Thursday, Jan. 18; followed by stops in Winnipeg and Edmonton later in the month.

"It's a forum for Canadians to ask him about anything," Trudeau spokesperson Cameron Ahmad told CTV News.

Ahmad said, while the final details are still being ironed out, five of the six tour stops will be at high schools or universities, to encourage young people to attend.

While he will take whatever questions are asked of him, the focus for Trudeau during the tour, and throughout 2018, will be the economy and jobs, Ahmad said.

Trudeau first announced this cross-country tour during an interview with Mornings Rock on CHOM 97.7 FM in Montreal on Dec. 19. At the time, he said he was doing it in an effort to keep from getting "government-itis."

"It’s easy to surround yourself with really, really smart people… the top advisers, the top ministers. You can surround yourself with concentric circles of really qualified people and completely disconnect from the folks you’re actually supposed to serve," he said during the radio interview.