OTTAWA -- Canada’s Governor General has offered words of hope to Canadians grappling with the ongoing spread of COVID-19, as the number of cases exceeds 2,500 nationwide.

In a to the public, Julie Payette delivered a clear message: "To stay united. No matter how hard it is."

She acknowledged the adversity Canadians are facing as a result of the stringent social distancing measures put in place to conceal the spread of the virus.

"We also need you. Every single one of you to help hold the line. Because this virus does not know borders, or timeline, colour or nationality. It zeros in on the most vulnerable, but it lives everywhere. Not just on people, but on doorknobs and table counters. It is a clever beast that we cannot underestimate," she said.

The Governor General also thanked Canada’s "guardian angels" – healthcare providers, scientists, journalists, and essential service providers, among others – for their work on the frontlines.

Payette reminded Canadians to take the necessary precautions to safeguard their health and to lighten the load for doctors and nurses.

"This situation might very well last a while. But we have seen uncertain times before and we will prevail. We have the will. We have the spirit," she said.

Payette will be required to give royal assent to the federal government’s new COVID-19 aid package which is currently being debated in the Senate. She will do this not in person, but through a written agreement.