The online activist group Anonymous has declared war on ISIS, pledging to launch a massive attack against the terror group in the wake of the deadly Paris bombings and mass shootings.

In a video posted online on Sunday, the hacktivist group pledged to retaliate against ISIS in response to the Paris attacks, which killed 129 people and wounded at least 350. The terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks, which rippled across the French capital Friday night.

, a masked member of Anonymous reads from a statement during a mock newscast, promising that the attacks will not go "unpunished."

Speaking in French, the man warned that the group would be launching a full-scale operation against ISIS, including cyber-attacks. "War has been declared," he said in French.

He noted that the French people are strong, and will emerge from these attacks even stronger than before.

He also said that Anonymous will never forget, before warning the perpetrators to "expect us."

The international online collective said it launched similar cyber-attacks against ISIS after the Charlie Hebdo killings last January.

Several Twitter accounts linked to Anonymous tweeted out similar threats, warning the terror group to watch its propaganda websites.


On Monday, ISIS released a new video stating that countries participating in the Syrian airstrikes will face similar attacks to those perpetrated in Paris. In the video, a man specifically warns that Washington, D.C., will be an ISIS target.