Samsung's Creative Lab, aka C-Lab, will be bringing eight new projects to CES 2019 -- the most the company has ever unveiled at CES since its first appearance at the conference back in 2016.

C-Lab is using the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show to "refine" and "prepare" prototypes of eight projects based on rapidly-evolving artificial intelligence technology.

From custom perfume-making to ASMR content recording, C-Lab has been busy developing various innovative technologies, which have already been picked up and made commercially available by several startups, also set to showcase their new products at the conference.

The eight projects are as follows:


'Tisplay' helps livestreaming creators subtly advertise products by digitally placing promotions on their clothing, as if the images are actually printed on the fabric. Rather than bombarding viewers with video-stopping advertisements, the content can continue without pauses while satisfying promotional requirements.


'aiMo' allows creators to develop high-quality ASMR content with just a smartphone and a specially-designed case that mimics the workings of the human ear. aiMo helps people create vivid, enhanced ASMR sounds using AI sound rendering software "without professional recording devices."


'MEDEO' combines video shooting and editing into a single process using AI. The tech automatically overlays scenes with visual effects and background music during livestreaming.


'PRISMIT' uses AI to analyze issue-based content to provide readers with the top five most representative articles about a user-searched topic using "issue clustering technology." The collection will help a reader understand the issue as well as its history and context, instead of just leading them to the most recently-written or most read material that search engines typically offers users.

Perfume Blender

As the name suggests, 'Perfume Blender' is a "custom perfume making service." When a user provides the corresponding application with an image of one's favorite fragrance, the AI will create perfume recipes using similar ingredients and notes which can be further customized, or purchased as is.

Girin Monitor Stand

is a monitor stand which tracks a user's posture and, when their posture is bad, will automatically adjust its position to force the user to correct their own stance.


'alight' is an AI-powered desk light that automatically creates the optimal lighting for a user in whichever situation they may be in: studying, relaxing, or focusing. It even comes with a complementary controller which reminds the user to "focus on study when the user is using a smartphone or sleeping."


'SnailSound' is a smart earpiece and application solution for those who have difficulty hearing. Using a smart nonlinear amplification and AI-based adaptive noise suppression algorithms, the earpiece can provide wearers with increased sound and suppressed background noise to help the hearing-impaired hear more of what they need to and less of what they don't.

The eight projects will be on display at CES 2019 in Las Vegas from January 8-12, 2019.

Eight C-Lab spinoff startups, whose products were inspired by C-Lab's technology, will also exhibit at CES 2019: MOPIC, LINKFLOW, lululab, WELT, Cooljamm Company, MONIT, analogue plus, and BLUEFEEL.