CALGARY - TransCanada Corp.'s chief executive officer says his company is still dedicated to moving the Keystone XL pipeline forward despite challenges it's faced along the way.

Russ Girling says TransCanada (TSX:TRP) is extremely confident U.S. regulators will approve the Alberta-to-Texas line once a new route is worked out to avoid ecologically sensitive parts of Nebraska.

The CEO made his remarks at a TransCanada investor conference in Toronto just as Enbridge Inc. announced it would work on another line between Oklahoma and the Gulf.

Girling says competition is a good thing as it allows customers to weigh different options, but it's likely those rival proposals will face the same environmental backlash as Keystone XL.

The U.S. State Department -- which must decide on Keystone XL as it crosses an international border -- has delayed its decision until 2013 to allow time to weigh a new route.

TransCanada said earlier this week it would work with the Nebraska government on a different path for Keystone XL, a move it says could speed up the review process.