OTTAWA - New Democrats say a Commons committee should investigate how personal information about an outspoken veteran's advocate ended up in the briefing notes of a federal cabinet minister.

MP Peter Stoffer says what happened to Sean Bruyea is shocking and he wonders if the same thing has happened to others who oppose the New Veteran's Charter -- or complain about the government's treatment of injured soldiers.

He says the veterans affairs committee should investigate.

Medical and financial information about Bruyea was included in a 13-page briefing note prepared by bureaucrats in March 2006 for then-minister Greg Thompson.

The note, which Bruyea gave to The Canadian Press, described his medical and psychological conditions in painstaking detail.

Thompson was briefed on Bruyea because of his opposition to the vets charter, which fundamentally overhauled the way benefits are delivered to ex-soldiers.

Veterans Affairs has repeatedly declined comment on the story.