With businessman and former reality TV star Donald Trump now leading the Grand Old Party, it should come as no surprise that there were plenty of unscripted, highly controversial moments at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Wednesday.

From an awkward kiss to an unfortunate wave to an unexpected act of defiance, Twitter was buzzing all night with topics for discussion.

Here are some of the most talked-about moments from the second-last day of the Republican National Convention.

A peck for Pence

Looking about as comfortable as an awkward uncle at a family get-together, presidential nominee Donald Trump attempted to kiss running-mate Mike Pence on the cheek when greeting him on stage at the convention. The kiss failed to land, but eagle-eyed Twitter users still pounced on the moment to create one of the more memorable GIFs of the night.

Flag burning

Protesters outside the convention in Cleveland set fire to a flag on Wednesday night, while the crowd chanted: "America was never great." The flag burned for a brief moment before police broke up the demonstration. Police say a man also lit himself on fire, burning several other people nearby.

Boos for Cruz

Delegates at the Republican National Convention offered a loud chorus of boos for failed presidential candidate Ted Cruz, after the senator from Texas refused to endorse Trump. "Vote your conscience," a defiant Cruz said, during his speech to the convention. "Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution."

'Hi,' not 'Heil'

Conservative political commentator Laura Ingraham had one of the more awkward gaffes of the night, with a stilted attempt at a wave that some interpreted as a Nazi salute. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed radio host turned to her left and extended her hand at eye level, palm open and facing down. She adjusted the gesture as she turned, raising her hand to wave, then pointing to the crowd.

Ingraham did not acknowledge the misstep on Twitter afterward, opting instead to attack Ted Cruz. "We tried to help and warn Ted Cruz," she . "Very sad. Such brainpower. Such a shame."

'White people' dancing

Comedy talk show host Jimmy Kimmel led the charge in mocking "white people dancing" at the convention, with a series of clips showing various attendees gyrating awkwardly to music at the RNC.

Others on Twitter joined in the fun, sharing GIFs and biting comments about the crowd's lack of co-ordination.