U.S. President Donald Trump has famously used Twitter as a tool to boast about his accomplishments, attack his enemies and peddle misinformation. However, the president took matters to a huge, unbelievable, historic level early Wednesday when he apparently coined a baffling new term: "covfefe."

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe," he tweeted just after midnight on Wednesday. Trump frequently tweets in bursts of three or four messages, but there was no follow-up to "covfefe," nor did he delete it and attempt to correct it, as he often does when he spells something wrong.

It's unclear whether the president fell asleep mid-tweet, or whether he perhaps didn't notice the typo before hitting send.

The tweet remained visible on his timeline for approximately five hours before it was deleted. "Who can figure out the true meaning of 'cofvefe'???" he at 6 a.m. "Enjoy!"

Twitter was already way ahead of Trump, offering a wide range of definitions for the word.

Many of the jokes revived the over the "orb" Trump touched during a photo op in Saudi Arabia.

It's not the first time Trump has puzzled the internet with his tweets. Speculation ran wild in early February after Trump ended a tweet with the phrase "EASY D."

Trump has returned to venting his frustrations on Twitter since wrapping up his first foreign trip as president. His tweets were entirely promotional during the trip, but on Sunday he returned to attacking his critics with accusations of "fake news" surrounding the Russia investigation.

He continued along that path after the covfefe hubbub, claiming once more that investigation of Russian meddling in the presidential election is a "witch hunt."