India’s Supreme Court has taken a significant step to protect the sexual rights of minors, eliminating a legal clause that permits men to have sex with their wives under the age of 18.

by the nation’s highest court declared women under 18 will be able to charge their husbands with rape, so long as they complain within one year of the forced sexual relations.

The age of consent in India is 18. Until now, an exception to Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code protected men who engaged in sexual relations with women between 15 and 18, as long as they are married.

“Clause ‘Sixthly’ of Section 375 makes it clear that if the woman is under 18 years of age, then sexual intercourse with her – with or without her consent - is rape,” the new ruling reads.

The verdict delivered Wednesday will not be applied retrospectively, the court said.