Scotland has become the first country to implement LGBTQ-inclusive education into their school curriculum and in the process became a world leader for gay rights.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced the changes Friday, a day after an for parliament to accept when it comes to inclusive education.

Among the recommendations, the LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group would like to see the school curriculum updated to include an understanding of the various prejudices the LGBTQ community faces, for more extensive recording of any incidents of LGBTQ bullying and for increased training among teachers.

Swinney said he intends to implement all 33 recommendations before May 2021.

“Our education system must support everyone to reach their full potential,” he said in a news release. “It is vital the curriculum is as diverse as the young people who learn in our schools.”

Jordan Daly, co-founder of TIE Campaign and member of the LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group, called this a “monumental victory for our campaign and (an) historic moment for our country.”

“In a time of global uncertainty, this sends a strong and clear message to LGBTI young people that they are valued here in Scotland,” Daly said.

“We now look forward to continuing our work with the Scottish Government as we progress towards full implementation."