At first glance, the entry to Margaret Tyler’s bed and breakfast may seem like utter chaos. But upon further inspection, her neatly organized, if a little crowded, four-room shrine is actually home to one of the largest private collections of royal memorabilia in the U.K.

In fact, the self-proclaimed “loyalist royalist” boasts more than 10,000 items related to the Royal Family. From life-size cardboard cut-outs of Prince William and his wife Kate to nodding Corgi dog statues to dolls of Diana, Princess of Wales, Tyler’s collection is truly a royal enthusiast’s paradise.

Royal fan

Tyler’s “Heritage House” serves as a B&B in Wembley, located in northwest London, U.K., for royal fans looking for unique accommodations. She has four rooms dedicated to the Royal Family with one room devoted entirely to Diana.

“I was called Diana’s number one fan when she was alive,” she told CTV News’ Marcia MacMillan during a tour of her home on Wednesday.

The 74-year-old collector revealed that she’s been accumulating royal memorabilia for nearly 40 years and she’s believed to own one the U.K’s largest royal collections.

“I can’t resist it,” she confessed with a laugh.

Tyler said her insurance company has estimated the total worth of her collection at 40,000 pounds (CAD $69,000), but she said no one really knows for sure.

“Nobody really knows to be truthful because I keep buying stuff all the time anyway,” she said.

Tyler herself is a sight to behold clad in a blazer made of Union Jacks complete with a crown-shaped pin and a gigantic brooch with an image of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle affixed to her lapel.

Margaret Tyler

In spite of her distracting home with its kitschy figurines, endless photographs, and collectible china, Tyler’s explanation for her love of the Royal Family is rather simple.

“Because they’re a family. The word family, I think, says it all,” she said. “It goes down the generations and we get to know them all.”

She also said she’s “thrilled” Markle will become the latest member to join the monarchy.

“I think she’s lovely,” Tyler said. “I think they’re very much in love. I think they’ve got the same outlook. They want to help people.”

Royal collection

As for her plans for the upcoming royal wedding, Tyler said she’s going to travel the 41 kilometres or so to Windsor any way she can.

“I said at first I’ll walk if necessary, but I don’t think I will,” she said with a smile.

Despite her uncertain travel plans, one thing is sure to be a guarantee – Tyler’s excitement on the big day.

“I’m thrilled about it. I mean royal weddings are so fantastic aren’t they?” she gushed. “They’re lovely. Everybody gets together and you forget all your troubles. It’s wonderful!”

CTV News is at the Heritage House B&B in Wembley, owned by a royalist who boasts more than 10,000 pieces of memorabilia....

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