As U.S. President Donald Trump and Congress fight over a spending agreement to pay for a border wall, a man in Florida has taken matters into his own hands to fund the project.

Brian Kolfage, a Purple Heart recipient and triple amputee veteran, to pay for the wall. The campaign has gathered more than US$10 million as of late Thursday night.

“If the 63 million people who voted for Trump each pledge $80, we can build the wall,” Kolfage wrote on the crowdfunding page.

• Watch: Explaining Trump's border wall

Kolfage says the campaign’s goal of $1 billion is the maximum amount GoFundMe allows. He says he has been in contact with the website to have the goal raised to the $5 billion budget Trump wants for the wall.

Kolfage says he is working with a law firm to ensure the money is used solely for the wall.

Trump is threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t receive the money needed for the project.

With files from CNN