Social media erupted in confusion, mockery, and applause after U.S. President Donald Trump shared an inexplicable image of his head superimposed on Sylvester Stallone’s body in the film “Rocky III.”

on Wednesday morning and shows the president’s unsmiling face photoshopped on the body of fictional boxer Rocky Balboa from the film’s poster.

The post didn’t include an accompanying caption or explanation about its origin.

Without any context, Twitter users were left to interpret the image on their own.

Many commenters mocked Trump’s actual figure in comparison to Stallone’s chiseled physique in the film.

Others, however, praised the photo and likened Trump to Stallone’s tough-guy character in the popular movie series.

Some Twitter users criticized Trump’s post as unbecoming of a world leader.

While some observers speculated the image of Trump as Rocky was intended to show the president’s intention to fight the ongoing impeachment inquiry against him, others wondered if it had more to do with his recent visit to the doctor.

The night before Trump shared the doctored photo, he spoke glowingly about his own physique during a rally near Sunrise, Fla. The president used the opportunity to dispel media reports that he was having heart problems following an unexpected visit to Walter Reed Medical Center last weekend.

Trump went on to describe his doctors’ reaction to his physique during the exam.

“The first thing they do is say, ‘Take off your shirt, sir, and show us that gorgeous chest. We want to see. We’ve never seen a chest quite like it,’” Trump said.

It is not the first time Trump has shared photoshopped images on his Twitter account.

In October, of himself putting a medal around the neck of a U.S. military dog that was involved in the raid that killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.