THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- A Dutch satirical show's video introducing the Netherlands to the new Trump administration now has the ministerial seal of approval.

State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment Jetta Klijnsma, who is featured in the video, has called it the "greatest video ever," her spokesman Nico Mokveld said Thursday, adding that Klijnsma's comment was made with tongue in cheek.

Klijnsma is far from alone in liking the video.

The clip, which features a Donald Trump-like voice over, has been viewed nearly since it was first broadcast on Dutch television on Sunday in the show "Zondag met Lubach."

Riffing on Trump's calls to put America first, the video politely asks: "But can we just say the Netherlands second? Is that OK?"

Klijnsma herself features in the video, with the voiceover saying she's from the "ministry of silly walks." Klijnsma uses a walking frame to help walk as she has had spasticity in her legs since her birth.

The voiceover says: "You can do a great impersonation of her," an apparent reference to Trump appearing to mock a disabled reporter during the campaign. Trump has denied doing so.