TORONTO -- Canada is among the latest countries added to the United Kingdom's , meaning Canadian travellers will no longer have to quarantine upon arriving in the country.

that Canada, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the Azores will move from amber to green in the latest changes to the U.K.'s COVID-19 travel rules.

The department noted that these changes were made after considering the COVID-19 case numbers, vaccine uptake and variant rate in each country.

According to the department, these countries will be green lit as of 4 a.m. on Aug. 30. Travellers who arrive in the U.K. before then must still follow the .

Travellers coming from any country on the green list do not have to quarantine upon arriving in the U.K., regardless of their vaccination status. However, they still have to take a pre-departure COVID-19 test within three days of flying to the U.K. and another two days after arrival.

Travellers do not need to quarantine unless one of their test results come back positive, according to the department.

Despite the change, the Public Health Agency of Canada is outside of the country and to use extra caution if they must travel.

While seven countries were upgraded to the U.K.'s green list, two others were downgraded to the .

The U.K. Department for Transport says Thailand and Montenegro will move to the red list as of Monday.

The change means only British residents and nationals travelling from Thailand and Montenegro will be allowed into the country following an 11-day quarantine and a series of COVID-19 tests.