TORONTO -- Nearly 5.8 million people have taken advantage of the advanced polling to cast their vote in this federal election.

According to Elections Canada, an estimated 5.78 million Canadians have already voted, an increase of 18.5 per cent compared to the 2019 election and a 57 per cent increase from the 2015 election.

"I want to thank the electors who took advantage of advance polls for their patience and their help in making this a safe experience for everyone. I also want to thank the tens of thousands of election workers for making this possible," Chief Electoral Officer Stephane Perrault

"Canadians still have the opportunity to contribute to this great democratic exercise by voting on election day or by returning their special ballot before the September 20 deadline." 

Elections Canada added that a further breakdown of the estimated number of voters who took part in the advanced polling in each riding will be released shortly. 

The advance polls closed on Monday at 9 p.m. local time.