TORONTO -- Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a map that suggests nearly the entire world -- including two bodies of water, Russia and Antarctica -- is voting for his father this election.

sent the morning of the election, Trump Jr. said he “finally got around to making my electoral map prediction” and accompanied a world map almost entirely covered in red, with the notable exceptions of New York, California, China, India and Mexico.

Bizarrely, the entire continent of Africa was shaded red except for Liberia, which actually began as a settlement for freed Black slaves from the U.S.

In the past, U.S. President Donald Trump has been a friend to Liberians living in the U.S. In December 2019, he passed a ruling called the “Liberian refugee immigration fairness” which spared some 4,000 Liberians from deportation.

As far as those voting Republican on Trump Jr.’s map, Russia, North Korea and Iran appeared to be leaning red, while the map also suggested that voters from the Caspian Sea, off the coast of Azerbaijan, and the Black Sea, off the coast of Turkey, would also favour Trump Jr.’s father.  

Twitter users were quick to mock the map, with pictures of “voting lines” in Antarctica filled with penguins and similar pictures that showed due to COVID-19 restrictions around the globe.

Meanwhile, a indicated that seven European nations - Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden – overwhelmingly support Joe Biden for U.S. president. In Denmark, Trump had just six per cent support.