Speaking before a deeply divided nation Tuesday night, U.S. President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address attempted to strike an optimistic and conciliatory tone.

But on the sideline of the largely self-congratulatory speech, disunion was on full display:

Things were already off to a rocky start for the address, with lawmakers’ partners and guests initially receiving tickets to the “State of the Uniom.†After the typo was caught, invitations were reissued.

Hundreds of protesters met Trump’s motorcade as he travelled from the White House to the United States Capitol, bellowing ‘boos’ and anti-Trump chants.

Breaking with longstanding tradition, First Lady Melania Trump arrived without her husband Tuesday night. Dressed in a white pantsuit, she wore a broad smile when she entered the House of Representatives chamber and got her own standing ovation. Meanwhile, allegations that the president had an affair with an adult film actress appeared to be put to rest Tuesday night when the porn star – Stormy Daniels – denied any affair took place. The Trumps have not been seen together in public since New Year's Eve.

While some Democrats boycotted the speech, some female Democratic lawmakers came dressed in black to protest sexual misconduct. More than 20 Democrats also invited “Dreamers†-- immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children -- as their guests, representing the roughly 700,000 young people who could face deportation to countries they have little or no ties to. The majority of Democrats also failed to stand and applaud during the speech’s more politicized moments.

Only four Supreme Court justices attended, including Trump’s stony faced appointee, Neil Gorsuch. Most notably absent was Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- the court’s oldest, and perhaps most progressive judge -- who been a vociferous Trump critic.

A roster of celebrities, including Mark Ruffalo, Cynthia Nixon and Michael Moore, gathered in New York City on Tuesday night for a “People's State of the Union†-- an anti-Trump speech-filled alternative to the address in Washington, D.C.

With midterm elections coming in November, Democrats enlisted Massachusetts representative Joe Kennedy -- the grandson of Robert F. Kennedy -- to deliver a post-address response. Kennedy championed the Democrats as the party capable of healing America’s divide.

With files from The Associated Press