CALGARY -- Canadian professional wrestler Bret Hart may have won the biggest bout of his life.

The grappler known as "The Hitman" spoke Monday about surgery he received for prostate cancer on Feb. 10 and said he's feeling pretty good.

"I like to think, at least for right now, I'm cancer free. I've still got all of the followups and I've got to be checked regularly for the next couple of years," he said at a news conference at the Calgary Prostate Cancer Centre.

"You never know if the cancer is going to come back, but for the most part I'm through the hard part."

The 58-year-old disclosed his cancer diagnosis on social media last month, but had known it was coming since last year.

"I kept it to myself for a long time, about six months. I debated on saying anything to anybody," said Hart, who sat next to his urologist, Dr. Eric Hyndman.

"It was really scary for me, and the more I talked to people who had prostate cancer, it scared me more," he added.

"Part of me went through the process to find some sort of Hail Mary. I had a lot of people recommend everything from baking soda and ozone therapy and all of these different things, but in the end I learned all my lessons from Steve Jobs (about) you can wait too long."

Jobs, a co-founder of Apple, died of pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Hart underwent a robotic prostatectomy.

"That's surgical removal of the prostate," explained Hyndman. "I'm happy to report his margins were negative. That means all the cancer should be out ... and we'll see how he does down the road.

"He's got an excellent chance of being cured at this time."

Hart was born into a legendary wrestling family led by his father Stu Hart, founder of Calgary's Stampede Wrestling.

The younger Hart made his in-ring debut in 1978 and took part in nearly 3,000 matches before his retirement.

The Calgarian gained popularity and championship success throughout the 1980s and '90s in the World Wrestling Federation, where he headed The Hart Foundation.

He has had serious health issues before, including a significant stroke in 2002 that left him partially paralyzed, but from which he made a successful recovery.

He credits regular medical check ups and blood tests for the early diagnosis and said he was ordered to get in shape before his surgery.

"I think I went into this surgery about as prepared as you can get for my condition, being a broken down old horse ready for the glue factory."

Full recovery is expected to take about six months.