Police are reminding drivers that although recreational cannabis is legal to purchase and consume, it remains illegal to use it in vehicles.

Winnipeg Police Service posted an image of a $672 ticket that was handed out early Wednesday morning.

Also Wednesday morning, ticketed someone $215.

Consuming cannabis in vehicles is contrary to both Ontario and Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Acts. have laws against consumption in vehicles.

The person in Winnipeg was ticketed for consuming on a highway while the person in Ontario was ticketed for driving a “vehicle or boat with cannabis readily available,” contrary to the Cannabis Act.

Most provinces and territories, including B.C., Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia, also have laws requiring that cannabis in vehicles be kept in closed and/or sealed packages and “out of reach” or “inaccessible.”

These laws are on top of the which make it a crime to have a “prohibited concentration of (THC) in the blood within two hours of driving.”

The penalty for drug-impaired driving with more than 2 nanograms of THC but less than five nanograms is a fine of up to $1,000 for the first offence.

Driving with more than 5 nanograms of THC in the blood will lead to a mandatory minimum $1,000 fine on the first offense and a mandatory minimum of 30 days imprisonment on the second offence.

Police who have a reasonable suspicion that a driver has a THC in his or her body can demand an oral fluid sample or require compliance with a standardized field sobriety test, according to the law.